
girl explorer

girl explorer

Yesterday I was talking to a dear friend of mine and she said to me: "I'm just so blown away by how many adventures you manage to have in your life."  It is true, I just got back from a long weekend in Colorado at Rocky Mountain Folks Fest, am about to leave for Burning Man and there have been many amazing events and trips this entire year and many more to come!

I have made my life about adventure because that's how I get to be passionate and inspired.  Many of my adventures support me in building and loving my business because, wherever I go and whatever I do, I HAVE TO LOVE IT and look forward to it AND I always meet lots of interesting people, some of whom end up becoming my clients.

Living like this is what I stand for in helping powerful and creative entrepreneurs play BIG, 10x their success and live the lifestyle they want their business to provide.

My business in helping others make this big leap is my passion.  So is living a life of adventure, being a wife, a friend and all the other juicy roles we get to play in this thing called life. And I have intentionally designed each day so I can (attempt to) show up 100% in ALL areas of my life.

AND…like we all know- this takes COMMITMENT,  SUPPORT and PRACTICE every single day to make it happen.

So here's my exercise for you this week:

  • Notice where do you have adventures (even if they are tiny) and have more of them!
  • What are the areas in your life where you really shine? You know you are ON and know you're on your genius path. Acknowledge them!
  • Next, notice any area in your life that could use a bit more TLC (admit it, often this in the area of self care). Allow yourself to simply be aware of these areas. Next, make a COMMITMENT to let this area have more SHINE.

Now, go forth and have your best week yet!