Delegating is Old News

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You might be surprised, but even some of my 8-figure leaders still have a hard time letting others lead. So often it seems faster and easier to just do it yourself.

But guess what, though it may seem faster and easier to do it yourself right now, guess what that means for the long run?

Exactly, you’ll keep doing way too many things yourself.

And that also means you are NOT doing the things your company really needs you to do, the only things that you should do as the leader: focus on the big picture and lead your leaders.

What does that mean? We used to call this “delegation,” but it’s much more than that.  

I did a quick FB Live on just that—and you can check it out here.

I talked about how delegating is old news, empowering and building trust is all the new rage.

It’s not just about getting stuff off your plate.

It’s about evaluating yourself AND your business holistically so that you CAN build and shape your team so THEY are worthy of your trust and they will grow with you.

Just like anything worth doing, this is done in 5 Simple Steps To Freedom.

…you might want to check out the video here

Let me know what you think.

Thinking differently is what got you here, but the same thing that got you here won’t get you to the next level.

Jus’ Saying…


P.S  Just following those 5 steps are a dramatic GAME CHANGER for you and for your team. We just put out a great new free training that addresses all this in detail so if want to know more about this, go to and watch the presentation.