Like Pushing A Boulder Up The Hill...

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I just talked to a new client who is super frustrated because she’s been trying EVERYTHING to get her company to take off aaannnnddd… it’s been like pushing a boulder up the hill.

She’s tried a bunch of different ways to address the issues but nothing stuck.

It always feels like she is the only one who sees the problem and is doing something about it. Her team comes to her complaining but they look to her to solve all the issues.

She’s been reading books and watching youtube, but every time she decides to change something all hell breaks loose and she goes right back to the way it was—at least she knows what to expect with the “old problems”...

It feels like momentum is just around the corner but it keeps just being… around the corner.

She’s been pushing so hard for years now, she feels like she can’t keep going anymore—she’s burned out and tired and often all she can think of is selling out and living on a beach.

The impact on her life is so significant (and not unusual) that I did a quick FB Live on just that—and you can check it out here.

* Her partner just left her
* Her health is taking a dive
* Her anxiety is sky rocking and she can’t "sell her vision"
* Her dedicated team is just as burned out as she is and they are starting to make their own decisions, going rogue
* Every time she “tries” to show up confident and inspired, she feels like a total phony and she’s worried that her team is talking about her behind her back—
...and in fact, right before the call with me, she’d found out that they actually are… talking about her behind her back.

Bottom line is, if this is you, you can’t keep going this way. If you don’t fix this soon, you’ll lose your chance. You have a short window of maybe 6-12 months when you need to get it right, otherwise, you’ll lose momentum and you can’t ever make up for that. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way… In my FB Live , I talk about that while most CEOs are struggling with slow momentum and feeling like they can’t rely on their team to help them get on track, a small handful of smart business leaders are discovering that it’s time to stop acting like newbies (even when they’ve been around for a while!) and start behaving like a real company.

…you might want to check out the video here

What could you do this week to start getting on the right track? Just change ONE thing and do it consistently

Let me know what you think.