The New Not Normal

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How often have you heard someone say "I can't wait until we go back to normal," even just this last week?

While I get the sentiment, the highly philosophic question I want to ask here is, when is it ever good to "go back" to anything?

We can't un-experience these last few weeks.  We can't un-hear and un-see all that happened so to bring the new "us" back to the old reality seems like a big miss to me...

I've been talking a lot about this being the season of opportunity and this last Sunday I heard Steven Furtick talk about the "New Normal," which sparked a lot of discussion.

I didn't want you to miss out on this so I did a quick FB live on the subject and you can check it out here...

What I talk about is that I think it's a great time to take stock and REALLY think about your old normal.  What do you really miss and want to get back to and what is more like an old pair of shoes that seems really comfortable when you slip it on but after wearing it just for a little while, you remember that the sole really feels kind of dead and there is that spot on your heel that rubs, the tips are all scuffed uhhh, and there was that hole you forgot about...

It's comfortable when you don't think about it, but it's not good for the extra miles, rain and mud that you know is coming up.

So maybe the idea of "normal" seems comforting but how much of the old is solid and deserves to be taken forward and how much is just comfortable because it's familiar but really, nothing about it is actually supportive and empowering and more like a ball-and-chain...?

Such an incredible opportunity right now to make these distinctions...

Also, if you are a creator, innovator and dreamer, we are the ones who come up with what’s not normal to the rest of the world, so how much "normal" has ever been useful to you?

But here's the thing...  For this catastrophic on many levels, inconvenient, uncomfortable and scary time to be the gift it can be, we all have to make one powerful choice:  look at the truth and only bring forward what serves us to up-level ourselves, our businesses our planet...

I speak to many people every week and I get so frustrated by all the many reasons and excuses for why many just don't want to do this...

This may be a threatening place…  truth. 

You can’t go back to normal and have better results if you don’t address the gap in the middle which is a shame, because that means you just wasted several months of opportunity that you could have used to bulletproof your business so when it comes time to step forward into your new normal, you can do this form a place of being a transformed leader and a transformed company…

So now you can actually get to the outcomes that seemed far away even before this whole situation..,.

IF you are really committed to the outcomes that you were hoping for (and not getting) in the old normal, you already know that changing nothing and hoping for a magically different outcome is the definition of insanity…

I didn’t say that.  Einstein did.

IF you are really committed to that very outcome, it’s time to let go of the reasons and excuses for why it didn’t work and why it’s too much money, too much time, too much effort and too many excuses to fix the underlying causes…

If your business is doing ok but when you are honest with yourself you know that it’s only ok because you have had your hands on everything and the second you let go all that superglue and duct tape won’t stand the test of growth…

It takes a lot of courage, self-discipline and consistency to shift this construct…

Most don’t have it.

Just hiring new people who you hope will fix it for you won’t get you what you want.  It all starts with you…

Now you have time to address this.  Take advantage of the opportunity.  Leave behind what wasn’t serving you back then and certainly won’t serve you going forward.

If you are 100% certain that you got all the above covered, great, you might actually have a shot at not just surviving, but thriving.

However, if any of this sounds wobbly, you better watch the video.  

Talk to you soon!
