Rebirth, refocus, recommit, re-...

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Certainty, predictability, stability....  those are not generally words that fit into the vocabulary of an entrepreneur, however, I can't count the number of times people have said those very words as a response to my question, "what are you missing most right now?"

"BBQ, going out to eat in general, cocktails that I don't have to make myself and any party that's not on Zoom" are close seconds...

I've been talking a lot about the "Season of Opportunity" and as much as it may hurt your head and your heart to think about this, it is mission critical that we all consider how that could translate for us.

I work with a lot of very inspired creators, curiously, many of whom were having the best year ever until... the big STOP.

That's a hard transition: from full-speed to full-stop.

The top two human needs, certainty and variety, are completely out of balance right now and we are all feeling it.

With last weekend being Easter and the core message of that revolving around death as we know it, rebirth and refocus, I decided to do a quick FB live about this and you can watch it here...

I talk about how many of my clients are having record months right now.  Because they got very creative and refocussed on their core competencies...

If you are forced to slow down right now, what opportunity is being gifted to you?  What should you pay attention to?

There is no choice about going through this...  the only way out is through, and, since there is no choice, we have to make this time count.

Since we can't change the external circumstance the only thing we can change is....  how we are present in it and how we act in it.

Wayne Dyer said this so fittingly long ago, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change..."

Now it doesn't matter how mad I just made you and how much you want to tell me to stuff it, this is still the only choice we have right now.

How do you WANT to feel?

Listen I'm not saying this is easy.  I'm not even saying that you should do this, but if you had the choice, how would you want to feel?

There is PLENTY of evidence all around us that we are truly sc****d right now.  And, if we look, I dare say there is just as much evidence that this is a tremendous gift.

So, what do you want: fear, anxiety, worry, catastrophizing, OR, courage, self-discipline, consistency, faith, boldness, empathy [insert any amount of positive emotional states].

My point is, we can cut down on the amount of suffering we are doing and help others do the same "simply" by making this choice. Admittedly, for some of us this will be their full-time job.

What you believe will determine what you’ll come out with…

Doing this for yourself will have such a massive impact on those around you: your team, your family, your friends...

Allow yourself that moment of truth: what should you focus on right now?  What are bottlenecks you know you have, but you just haven't "gotten to them"...

What was already not working and would really benefit from your focus and bandwidth?

If you are 100% certain that you got all the above covered, great, you might actually have a shot at not just surviving, but thriving.

However, if any of this sounds wobbly, you better watch the video.  

Talk to you soon!
