Impossible? Watch Me!

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How is it that so many people are experiencing terrible stress and suffering right now and I am still talking about the season of opportunity?

Because, no matter what the external circumstances, it is what we make it.

I get to talk to many people every week and part of why my mindset is strong and why I see opportunity everywhere is because I get to "be around" (socially distant, of course) some of the brightest and most determined people out there who are WIRED to only focus on what makes them stronger.  And that is a choice.

Believe me, there are plenty of challenges in my own house.  My wife got laid off.  Friends are sick.  People have died.  Businesses close to me are shutting down.  I am tired of my own cooking...  My dogs are sick of us.  The list goes on.

But what keeps me going and reminds me to only focus on what is good for me are the incredibly inspiring conversations I get to have and the message I get to spread and help uplift those around me.

This is so important to me that I did a FB live about it and you can watch it here...

I talk about how I have this trigger when someone says to me "this can't be done" what happens for me is a strong desire to prove them wrong...


I get that nobody can rely on what worked before...   So now it's the time to get a lot of clarity and also, to slow down and address all the things you've always put on the back burner because when things are as per usual...  no time,  no bandwidth.

Many of my clients have been brilliant at focusing on what will sustain them now, AND, it'll be a huge leg up when things turn around.

I talk about the mindset and the strategy that needs to be in place so you CAN hit the ground running.

So you are not just thinking outside the box, the box isn't even part of the picture.

If you want to find out more about what truth to listen to so you will come out the other end, not just a better business but also a better human, you better click here to watch the video.
