Distraction from the Distraction

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I think for all of us reality is [slowly] setting in as we are starting to realize that this "new normal" is now the "not so new normal," and it's going to be that for quite a while...

I hear a lot of "we'll get through this," "this too shall pass," "we'll survive...."  

What if this is not a thing to just "get through?"

What if everybody, no matter how tough it is to deal with the external circumstances, reframed this as the best opportunity ever?

I mean, if this is going to be a while, we might as well get REALLY focused.

Are you choosing lost and freaking out or constructive?

The universe handed us a big fat… STOP.  And I thought the way everybody is responding to this is so extraordinary that I made a quick FB live about it and you can watch it here...

I talk about all the distraction, the social media hype, the conflicting messages.

Part of this is a survival and defense mechanism but what it is really doing is poisoning our minds and our souls.

So I ask again…  what do you want to focus on?

I was listening to one of my favorite spiritual leaders, Pastor Steven Furtick and he asked the question, how can we make this time worth it?  Not just something to get through, but CHERISH these times...

As business leaders this bring a lot of extra challenges because, not only are you taking care of your own mind and well-being, your company's well-being and... your entire team will be watching your every move because they RELY on you for their certainty.

I talk about what the construct is to think through so you can use this as a time of opportunity to get lean and better than ever.

Maybe you have to hyper-focus, pivot, and tap dance.

But certainly what you have to bring is CLARITY.  And then you have to bring your team with you.  Help them come along, bring them into your new vision.

Give them a distraction from the distraction.

And get really clear on who the right people are on your bus even though they are dealing with their own crisis.

Support them with their challenges but look for the unequivocal YES, no matter what.

If you are seeing a lot of misalignment and you are hearing greenroom talk on Zoom, you HAVE to control the narrative for this to go well.  YOU have to be the one they turn to when uncertainty gets the better of them.

If you are realizing that you have quite a few T's to cross and I's to dot, you might want to check out the video that I posted for you here.

The greatest win from all of this is if we could all pull out of the ME think and turn to think for the greater good.

All your actions are under a microscope right now so it's important to show up better than ever.  Even if what you really want to do is curl up into a ball and cry.

Instead of spreading fear, keep asking, how do I have to be different to support the greater good and the better outcome for humanity, my team, my business and myself?

How can I be the focus from the distraction??

If you are 100% certain that you got all the above covered, great, you might actually have a shot at not just surviving, but thriving.

However, if any of this sounds wobbly, you better watch the video.  

Talk to you soon!
