The Ugly Opportunity

This may not make me popular, but I'm going to say it anyway:  this is what we make it.

No I am not living under a rock. Several of my clients are in the live event, ticketing and brick and mortar industries and those are amongst the ones hit hardest.

I get it.  It sucks.

But we can spend our time distracted, on social media or watching the ever repeating, hyped up news reel, or we can surrender to the fact that there is very little we can do about the external circumstances and focus on the other side of it:

The Season Of Opportunity...

Aside from the literal facts of this global crisis, what is stressing most humans out the most is being in resistance to the changes this situation is requiring from them.

Think about how much better this situation would be if you could let go of all the fear and annoyance with what is and focus instead on how you can come out stronger on the other side.

I know how hard it is for many to wrap their heads around this and it has been curious how much negativity we have gotten from even suggesting that there is a silver lining...

So I decided to jump on a FB live and talk about how this could serve, as ugly as that may seem.

Acting as if in survivor's guilt will help no one.

I talked about what we can do not just to survive, but thrive in the current situation (and the one to come)...

How your team still makes up 80% of the value of your company and so every single one of them needs to be 100%

How your product needs to be dialed in and relevant like never before...

What is necessary and expected of you so you can still lead your company...

How some unpopular decisions will ensure the health of your company...

The ugly opportunity in these times.

How making unpopular decisions makes you the best leader in the long term.

Anyway, it’s pretty simple and if you plan on having your company thrive and be sustainable, you want to know about this so you might want to check out the video here

If you want to hear more about this, check out our brand-new training at where I pull back the curtain and codify what you must do to lead your company to victory… in today’s climate.

Talk to you soon!
