Star Struck

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True story: I just reconnected to a client who I spoke with 6 months ago about helping them scale their startup that was getting a lot of momentum, but they hadn’t done much in terms of figuring out how to build an actual business around their product. They didn’t think to build a team and getting stuff done was going to be a problem, and they didn’t want to invest the time or money to get it right from the start.

“You can google everything and there is so much free information out there, why should I pay for that?," the CEO said to me…

Fast forward, 6 months later…

—They hired 8 people: 3 left after only weeks, 5 are still there but not performing...

—They tried to hire more people, but couldn’t close the deal on any of them

—The rest of the team never feels like they are getting anything right, even though they are working long, hard hours, nights, weekends

—The culture is disjointed and negative because every day is full of chaos and stress

—Their clients are unhappy, which is killing their bottom line and making for unhappy partners and investors

…AND, they are losing their hard-earned momentum overall…

6 months ago, everything felt fresh and exciting, now it’s all about the grind…

Sadly, I hear this same story in a different flavor almost every week so this pattern is prevalent enough that I did a quick FB Live on just that—and you can check it out here.

Building your company right is simple, but it’s not easy…

There is so much information out there and advice is freely available, but would you have someone do a heart transplant on you who got their knowledge on YouTube?

I didn’t think so…

Human are extremely unpredictable which makes working with them challenging and magical. Of course, it’s a lot more magical when you have the right system in place that accounts for all their sneaky little ways…

Anyway, if you want to find out how to make sure that you got the right things in place to get this right, you might want to check out the video here.

In the end, even with the right systems, it’ll be up to you to be the Guardian Of Your Company Soul. Do you know how to do that?